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Werkstätten:messe 2023 in Nürnberg

Trade fair for vocational participation & exhibition of workshops for disabled people

Overview about Werkstätten:messe 2023

Logo von der Messe Werkstätten:messe 2023

Werkstätten:messe 2023
Trade fair for vocational participation & exhibition of workshops for disabled people
Messe Nürnberg, Messezentrum 1, 90471 Nürnberg
19.04. till 22.04.2023
Opening Hours
daily from 9 am to 5 pm
30 Hours for 4 days

Need event staff?

Do you need Hostesses for Werkstätten:messe 2023 in Nürnberg?

Jobs gesucht?

Du suchst Jobs für die Werkstätten:messe 2023 in Nürnberg?

Information for Exhibitors and Visitors

The Werkstätten:Messe, the trade fair for vocational participation & performance show of the workshops for disabled people, will take place in 2023 from 19.04 to 22.04 in Nuremberg. With around 15,000 visitors, it is considered Germany's most visited social and educational show. The Werkstätten:Messe had its premiere in 1991 and has been held every year since. Around 144 exhibitors from facilities with educational programs for people with disabilities, workshops with contract work, workshops with in-house production and service offerings, and suppliers to facilities for administration and production are represented at the fair.

The framework program offers a diverse mix of exhibition, educational opportunities and specialized lecture programs. For example, visitors can participate in the special forums Bundesland im Fokus or Karriere:Forum and attend award ceremonies. With a focus on the inclusion process of people with disabilities, the Werkstätten:Messe presents in-house productions from workshops for people with disabilities from all over Germany.

The range of offerings at Werkstätten:messe 2023 includes the following areas:

  • Education
  • Own productions of workshops and similar facilities
  • Services of workshops and similar facilities
  • Services and products for workshops
  • Services for people with disabilities

In 2021, the Werkstätten:Messe had to be held in a digital format due to pandamy. Around 4,000 registered interested parties took part in the lecture program with almost 130 events.

Book Exhibition Personell for Werkstätten:messe 2023

  • Hostesses Nürnberg for your exhibition event
    Trade fair hostesses for your booth, VIP & Model hostesses promoting your product as well as Chefhostesses to manage your booth team.
  • Event & Catering Staff
    Stagehands, Catering & Service Hostesses as well as Waitresses & Waiters Nürnberg for your event.
  • Promoters for your Marketing
    Experience Promoters for Direct Sales and handing out Flyers at your booth.
  • Multilingual Hostesses / Interpreters
    Hostesses & Hosts with fluent knowledge in German, Englisch, French, Turkish and Russian (please contact us if another language is needed) for your international guests.
  • Male Hosts
    Male Hosts Nürnberg as a booth attendant as well as for Customer Care at your event.
Manuel Marschel: Contact person for businesses

Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses

If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.

+49 30 959 982 640