Please note the upcoming exhibition
This event took place from 28.06. till 30.06.2024. The next DoKomi exhibition will be from 06.06. till 08.06.2025 in Düsseldorf.
Do you need Hostesses for Exhibition DoKomi 2024 in Düsseldorf?
Du suchst Jobs für die Exhibition DoKomi 2024 in Düsseldorf?
DoKomi in Düsseldorf offers visitors an unforgettable weekend all about anime, manga, games, cosplay and Japanese culture. They have the opportunity to immerse themselves in an enthusiastic community, make new friends and share their passion. With over 155,000 guests, DoKomi is considered the largest and most popular convention of its kind in Germany.
DoKomi aims to provide a platform for the German community of Japan enthusiasts through anime, manga, cosplay, gaming and music. It brings together different groups such as cosplayers, otakus and gamers to promote exchange within this diverse scene. The convention supports the creative potential of this community in Germany and Europe and offers fan projects a presentation platform.
The main goal is that everyone - visitors, exhibitors and guests - enter and leave DoKomi with a smile. In doing so, DoKomi attaches importance to constant innovation and further development.
The text is based on a language draft by ChatGPT. The author has thoroughly reviewed and revised the content before publication.
Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses
If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.
+49 30 959 982 640