30 +
Felicitas, 31
Exhibition host/ess (m/f/d) & Model (m/f/d)
- Englischkenntnisse: fließend in Wort und Schrift C1/C2 (Auslandsstudium in den USA)
- Spanischkenntnisse: fließend in Wort und Schrift (Auslandsjahr in Venezuela)
- bereits seit 10 Jahren als Messehostess über verschiedene Agenturen tätig (z.B. IFA, Achema, Internorga, OMR, BEFA, Prolight and Sound, CWIEME, Fibo, Gamescon, Auto Summits, etc.)
- sehr viel Erfahrung im Bereich Promotion u.A. durch eine Festanstellung als Promoterin bei Prime Time Fitness Frankfurt und als Promoterin bei PARTYBUS GROUP LLC, CA, USA sowie zahlreiche sonstige Promojobs (z.B. IQOS/ Berliner Brandstifter/Collide/ etc.)
- viel Erfahrung als VIP-Betreuerin (z.B. bei Cirque du Soleil und anderen Veranstaltungen)
- sehr viel Erfahrung im Service/Catering durch Jobs auf Großveranstaltungen/ Firmenevents und Messen (z.B. Deutsche Bank; auf Kunstvernissagen, Messen, etc. )
- viel Erfahrung als Verkäuferin im Einzelhandel (zB. NA-KD Pop-Up Store Hamburg über mehrere Wochen)
- bereits abgeschlossenes Studium in den Fächern Pädagogik und Psychologie
- z. Z. befinde ich mich in der Weiterbildung zur Psychotherapeutin am Universitätsklinikum Hamburg/Eppendorf. Die Messe-/ Model- und Promotionsjobs mache ich momentan um mir diese selbst zu finanzieren, sowie vorher auch mein Studium. Meine Motivation und Antrieb sind sehr groß. Ich freue mich auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen!
German - Mother tongue
English - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
Spanish - Fluent (B1 / B2)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.65 m
Chest: 83
Waist: 60 Hips: 89
Shoe size: 37
Available in:
Hamburg & Berlin
Customer reviews from jobs via InStaff
(one or more reviews translated from German)
125 Jahre BVE für respect. agentur für live-kommunikation GmbH
Felicitas did an excellent job at our last event. Her professionalism, reliability and friendly manner contributed significantly to the smooth running and success of the event. Every task was completed with a smile and great commitment, which both the team and the guests greatly appreciated.
(5 stars on 10.07.2024 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Bildauswahl Fotoshooting Job-apps.de / Operation Karriere Hamburg für STA projects GmbH
Thank you very much for the great support ????
(5 stars on 07.07.2024 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Messebegleiterin für tom&lea GmbH
We can recommend Felicitas 100%. She was friendly, punctual, courteous and supported us fully at the trade fair. We would do it again anytime :-)
(5 stars on 11.05.2024 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
DMEXCO 2023 für Smarketer Holding GmbH
It's not the first time we've worked with Felicitas and I hope it won't be the last. She helps us with everything and is totally committed to us and our product. She understands perfectly what we are aiming for at the fair and proactively helps with absolutely everything. She always has a smile and solves problems naturally. We have worked with her before and would definitely work with her again.
(5 stars on 25.09.2023 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Model für Stadtteilmarketing / Einzelhandel / Gastronomie für Alsterleben Media Service GmbH
A great shooting with Felicitas! Very good coordination in advance, very punctual and consistently friendly. We would be happy to book you again!
(5 stars on 17.08.2023 für den Job als Model)
Procurement Summit 2023 für Procurement Summit
(5 stars on 03.07.2023 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Aushilfe für Airport Gallery Hamburg
Very reliable and courteous. I am very pleased!
(5 stars on 21.06.2023 für den Job als Stagehand)
Kochevent Alsterloft by Kev´s Kitchen Gmbh für Kev`s Kitchen GmbH
(5 stars on 16.06.2023 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Aircraft Interiors Expo 2023 für Hanse-Aerospace Wirtschaftsdienst GmbH
Thank you, dear Felicitas, for this great support! Felicitas worked for us for the first time and, despite the hustle and bustle of everyday life at a trade fair, had an extremely good, level-headed overview right from the start. We can warmly recommend Felicitas - she brings experience, responsibility, speed and fun!
(5 stars on 12.06.2023 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Juni Messe für MyDearCaptain GmbH
Felicitas did a super great job at our trade fair appearance. We and our customers really liked your highly committed and professional demeanor. She was immediately familiar with the tasks given to her, our actions and the brand. Thank you very much for the nice cooperation!
(5 stars on 19.06.2023 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
CWIEME Messe Berlin für Isotek GmbH
I would like to express my sincere enthusiasm for the outstanding performance of Felicitas during the CWIEME fair in Berlin. As someone who has attended many trade shows, I have no hesitation in saying that Felicitas is one of the best service people I have ever worked with. From the moment Felicitas arrived at the fair, she exuded a positive energy and enthusiasm that was contagious. Her warm smile and friendly manner immediately created a pleasant atmosphere. She was always punctual and professional, and you could tell she was passionate about her job. However, what really sets her apart from other servers is her dedication and attention to detail. Not only did she ensure that our stand was always clean and tidy, but she also acted proactively to ensure that all visitors received the best possible care. She was always present to answer questions, show interest and look after the well-being of the visitors. Their exceptional customer service has made our booth a popular stop. In addition to her professionalism and expertise, Felicitas is also an extremely personable and approachable person. She has a natural ability to connect with people and create a comfortable atmosphere for conversation. Her open nature and positive attitude helped visitors feel welcome and enjoy interacting with us. In closing, I would like to emphasize that Felicitas is a remarkable waitress who really goes above and beyond what is expected of her. Her professionalism, attention to detail and warm personality make her an absolute asset to any team. I would recommend her unreservedly and look forward to working with her again in the future. Thanks very much,
(5 stars on 30.05.2023 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Hamburg Harley Days | Clubmaster Promotion Stand für ucc unite gmbh
Professional, open, cordial - we are very satisfied! Gladly again :)
(5 stars on 23.05.2023 für den Job als Promoter)
OMR 2023 für Smarketer Holding GmbH
After more than 5 years in the industry, we have had different hostesses at each fair. This year we enlisted the help of Felicitas who did such a good job that you could say she is part of our company's commercial team. She was fully integrated into the team and always has an open ear for every task. Despite the stress of 8 hours a day, she always put on her best smile and was always a great team player. We can only recommend Felicitas and wish her the best.
(5 stars on 12.05.2023 für den Job als Promoter)
Prolight + Sound 2023 für LTT Group Gmbh
We are very satisfied and can recommend Felicitas unreservedly. She looked after our customers very well and kept the stand in order herself. Despite everything, Felicitas was in a good mood and had a serious demeanor.
(5 stars on 01.05.2023 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Messe Forum BEFA in Hamburg für Rapid Data GmbH
Felicitas worked particularly hard at our booth. We were very satisfied and will gladly book them again when we are in Hamburg.
(5 stars on 24.04.2023 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
UKE Veranstaltung Tag 2 für Studierendenwerk Hamburg AöR
(5 stars on 22.04.2023 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Osteraktion in der Marktplatz Galerie für createmotion - Agentur für Events & Live-Kommunikation GmbH
(5 stars on 11.04.2023 für den Job als Promoter)
Innovation Summit Nord für Infinigate Deutschland GmbH
Felicitas was employed at our accreditation counter and did a really great job. She was punctual, approached the guests proactively, communicated excellently and gave us great support. Thank you very much, dear Felicitas. It was a pleasure.
(5 stars on 20.03.2023 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Hostess für Messe für IFC Europe Sales GmbH
The best fair hostess you could wish for! Super independent and nice. Immediately understood what your tasks are and was able to implement them very well. Gladly again!
(5 stars on 16.03.2023 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Verteilen von Getränkedosen + Visitenkarten an alle Teilnehmer der Messe - kein eigener Stand für COLLIDE beverages & more GmbH
Excellent help and quite a pleasant person!
(5 stars on 05.03.2023 für den Job als Promoter)
Promoter:in (m/w/d) zum Valentinstag gesucht (10:30 - 17:30 Uhr) für CONZIL Veranstaltungs GmbH
Great - again and again! Thank you for the pleasant and reliable cooperation!
(5 stars on 18.02.2023 für den Job als Promoter)
Alsterhaus Verkostung Spirituosen für Berliner Brandstifter GmbH
Felicitas did a tasting for us in the Alsterhaus Hamburg. She was characterized by a professional, open and friendly way of dealing with customers and colleagues. She was very reliable and has been open and communicative with customers. We will be happy to work with her again and thank Felicitas for the great commitment.
(5 stars on 30.01.2023 für den Job als Promoter)
September: NA-KD Nothing but Style! Pop-up Store Hamburg für Fabereso Fashion & Beauty Retail Solution Company Ltd.
(5 stars on 29.09.2019 für den Job als Sales assistant)
1. Teil August, NA-KD Nothing but Style! Pop-up Store Hamburg für Fabereso Fashion & Beauty Retail Solution Company Ltd.
Felicitas has always done all tasks fast and done the personal commitment very well, gladly again.
(5 stars on 01.09.2019 für den Job als Sales assistant)
Successful Jobs via Instaff
Hamburg: Hostess für Messe
Mar 10 - Mar 13, 2023
Biedenkopf: Verteilen von Getränkedosen + Visitenkarten an alle Teilnehmer der Messe - kein eigener Stand
Mar 03 - Mar 04, 2023
Hamburg: Promoter:in (m/w/d) zum Valentinstag gesucht (10:30 - 17:30 Uhr)
Feb 14, 2023
Hamburg: Alsterhaus Verkostung Spirituosen
Jan 27 - Jan 28, 2023
Hamburg: September: NA-KD Nothing but Style! Pop-up Store Hamburg
Sep 16, 2019
Hamburg: 1. Teil August, NA-KD Nothing but Style! Pop-up Store Hamburg
Aug 12 - Aug 24, 2019
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please contact us immediatly via: contact@instaff.jobs