Do you need Hostesses for Exhibition akademika 2019 in Augsburg?
Du suchst Jobs für die Exhibition akademika 2019 in Augsburg?
At the akademika trade fair in Augsburg, one of the largest and most important job fairs in southern Germany, students, graduates and young professionals can find out about career opportunities. The fair takes place every year and traditionally focuses on engineering, economics and computer science. Numerous exhibitors from the electronics, electrical engineering, telecommunications, mechanical engineering, banking, consumer goods, information technology, retail, insurance and services sectors present their job offers. Thus, excellent conditions for the first contact between employers and employees prevail at the akademika.
The eighth akademika took place in Augsburg in 2018. Around 2,700 visitors from all over Germany came and got in contact with the 115 exhibitors with the opportunity to apply directly for open positions.
In addition, the akademika offers an interesting and varied programme of lectures: company presentations, information on the job market and industry trends as well as tips for the application process. Interested parties can apply directly at the fair for internships, working student contracts, theses, trainee programmes or job general offers. The free services offered by akademika include: Bus shuttles, application documents check, application photos, a social media check and much more.
Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses
If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.
+49 30 959 982 640