Do you need Hostesses for Exhibition AUTOTAGE HAMBURG 2020 in Hamburg?
Du suchst Jobs für die Exhibition AUTOTAGE HAMBURG 2020 in Hamburg?
At the AUTOTAGE HAMBURG all drivers get their money's worth. This year is the 8th time the fair takes place. Visitors can find out about the latest models, configurations, accessories and financing solutions. From luxury limousines to practical comfort cars, AUTOTAGE HAMBURG has something for every car fan. The latest models can be inspected and tested here and those who wish can look forward to extensive consultations.
The oohh! The FreizeitWelten 2019 attracted around 80,000 visitors, who were able to obtain advice from 750 exhibitors from 42 nations on an exhibition area of approx. 3,000 m². They also visited the AUTOTAGE HAMUBRG in the course of the event. Around 300 new cars of approx. 26 different brands will be exhibited at the fair. Parallel to AUTOTAGE HAMBURG, the following trade fairs will also take place: CARAVANING HAMBURG, RAD HAMBURG, REISEN HAMBURG, FOTOHAVEN HAMBURG and the KREUZFAHRTWELT HAMBURG.
The test drives are carried out together with a guide and take the visitors on the fairs own test track through Hamburg in 15 - 20 minutes. The Green Screen Tour 2020 will celebrate its premiere in Hamburg as part of the accompanying programme.
Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses
If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.
+49 30 959 982 640