Do you need Hostesses for Made in Berlin - Karrieremesse 2021?
Du suchst Jobs für die Made in Berlin - Karrieremesse 2021?
The MADE IN BERLIN is the career fair for students and graduates of the universities in and around Berlin. With 195,000 students and two elite universities, Berlin is the number one university location in Germany.
Due to the close contact to universities, professors and students, we reach your potential junior staff in more than 800 study programs from A as in architecture to Z as futurology and give you the opportunity to get to know them personally in scheduled interviews on the day of the fair. There is also the possibility for individual preselection.
The Made in Berlin - Career Fair is aimed at students and young professionals from the MINT and business sectors.
At the stands of our presence fair, but also with our online matching, interested parties have the chance to:
Admission free for students and graduates (up to 5 years after graduation). More info at
Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses
If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.
+49 30 959 982 640