Please note the upcoming exhibition
This event took place from 04.11. till 05.11.2021. The next RadiologieKongressRuhr exhibition will be from 13.11. till 14.11.2025 in Dortmund.
Do you need Hostesses for Exhibition RadiologieKongressRuhr 2021 in Dortmund?
Du suchst Jobs für die Exhibition RadiologieKongressRuhr 2021 in Dortmund?
The RadiologieKongressRuhr, RKR for short, is dedicated to the entire field of radiology - in particular the current topics of the industry. It brings the entire spectrum of radiology in the form of a compact advanced training congress together in one place and offers participants sufficient time and space for personal exchange and making important contacts. This makes it equally attractive for students, MRTA and chief physicians. The RKR gathers excellent speakers who impart their knowledge in compact thematic blocks. The training courses offered range from thoracic radiology to neuroradiology and breast diagnostics.
A total of 1,326 guests attended the 12th RKR 2019. This year, the 13th RKR is the 13th of its kind - using organ-related thematic blocks, visitors are given both basic and specialized knowledge in diagnostics and therapy. This year's main topics are thorax and lung imaging and interventional radiology. In 2020 the RadiologieKongressRuhr could be held because of the pandemic.
This year the training program of the Radiologie-Kongress Ruhr will be diverse like always and will cover the spectrum of the diagnostic and interventional radiology, neuradiology and infant radiology.
Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses
If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.
+49 30 959 982 640