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Z - Zuliefermesse 2021 [DIGITAL] in Leipzig

International supplier fair for parts, components, modules and technologies

Overview about Z - Zuliefermesse 2021 [DIGITAL]

Logo von der Messe Z - Zuliefermesse 2021 [DIGITAL]

Z - Zuliefermesse 2021 [DIGITAL]
International supplier fair for parts, components, modules and technologies
Leipziger Messe, Messe-Allee, 04356 Leipzig
02.03. till 05.03.2021
Opening Hours
Daily from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm, last day from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm
29 Hours for 4 days

Need event staff?

Do you need Hostesses for Z - Zuliefermesse 2021 [DIGITAL] in Leipzig?

Jobs gesucht?

Du suchst Jobs für die Z - Zuliefermesse 2021 [DIGITAL] in Leipzig?

Information for Exhibitors and Visitors

The Z - Zuliefermesse is the international supplier fair for parts, components, modules and technologies. It was founded in 2000 and takes place every two years. Together with the Intec it forms a successful trade fair duo, which always takes place in parallel. The range of products and services on offer at the fair includes semi-finished products, parts, components and industrial services.

The last Z - Zuliefermesse 2019 attracted 24,400 visitors from 41 countries. On an exhibition area of 70,000 m², they were able to see the latest products, services, innovations and concepts from the 1,324 exhibitors from 31 countries. The product groups for the Z - Zuliefermesse 2021 are:

  • Parts and components
  • Joining and assembly processes
  • Materials and semi-finished products
  • Process as a technological supply service
  • Tools and work equipment for the production of vendor parts and modules
  • Electrical engineering/electronics - Individual parts, components, methods of manufacture, finishing, assembly and testing
  • Industrial services
  • Information, organisation, advice

Various events will take place in the supporting programme of the Z - Zuliefermesse 2021, including symposia, forums, conferences and the Fachkräftetag. The prize of the Zuliefermesse Z will also be awarded again. The two special shows "Sensor Technology" and "Additive Hybrid" cover particularly important and current topics of the industry and therefore have their own specialist forums.

Book Exhibition Personell for Z - Zuliefermesse 2021 [DIGITAL]

  • Hostesses Leipzig for your exhibition event
    Trade fair hostesses for your booth, VIP & Model hostesses promoting your product as well as Chefhostesses to manage your booth team.
  • Event & Catering Staff
    Stagehands, Catering & Service Hostesses as well as Waitresses & Waiters Leipzig for your event.
  • Promoters for your Marketing
    Experience Promoters for Direct Sales and handing out Flyers at your booth.
  • Multilingual Hostesses / Interpreters
    Hostesses & Hosts with fluent knowledge in German, Englisch, French, Turkish and Russian (please contact us if another language is needed) for your international guests.
  • Male Hosts
    Male Hosts Leipzig as a booth attendant as well as for Customer Care at your event.
Manuel Marschel: Contact person for businesses

Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses

If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.

+49 30 959 982 640