Do you need Hostesses for Exhibition Frankfurter Rhein-Main-Edelsteintage?
Du suchst Jobs für die Exhibition Frankfurter Rhein-Main-Edelsteintage?
Dreamtone has been organizing the Rhine-Main Gemstone Days in Frankfurt-Höchst and the Bonn Gemstone Exchange twice a year for over a decade. These events have established themselves as important meeting places for lovers and collectors of gemstones and minerals. With 80 to 100 international exhibitors, these fairs offer an impressive variety of exquisite crystals, rare minerals, unique jewelry, faceted gemstones and much more.
Visitors can look forward to a fascinating selection of opals, diamonds, sapphires as well as exciting new finds and fossils. These fairs are not only a collector's paradise, but also an ideal platform for anyone interested in the natural beauty and mysterious world of gemstones.
Each fair offers a unique opportunity to discover rare and valuable pieces, exchange ideas with experts and acquire new treasures for your own collection. The Rhein-Main-Edelsteintage and the Bonner Edelsteinbörse are therefore a must for every gemstone enthusiast and lover of natural beauty.
The text is based on a language draft by ChatGPT. The author has thoroughly reviewed and revised the content before publication.
Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses
If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.
+49 30 959 982 640