Do you need Hostesses for Exhibition IdeenExpo 2024 in Hannover?
Du suchst Jobs für die Exhibition IdeenExpo 2024 in Hannover?
IdeenExpo is Germany's largest youth event for science and technology. It had its premiere in 2007 and takes place every two years. As a successful cooperation between science, business and politics, its aim is to promote the next generation of skilled workers in Germany for the MINT sectors. It combines knowledge transfer with a high fun factor and offers young people a compass for personal career orientation.
The seventh IdeenExpo will take place in 2024 in Hanover again with the motto "Just do it!". The last IdeenExpo in 2019 attracted a total of 395,000 visitors, who were able to obtain advice from the more than 270 companies, research institutions, universities and schools on the 110,000 m² exhibition area. The topic areas of 2019 were:
The accompanying programme of the trade fair is extensive and designed to provide a high fun factor. More than 670 exhibits and 730 workshops took place in 2019. Important contents were communicated in an exciting way on the StageSieben and the KarriereBühne and live concerts of acts like BOSSE, SDP, Sunrise Avenue on the ShowBühne brought the atmosphere to its peak. In addition, the European Robotics Championship, the RoboCup Junior Euro 2019, was held for the first time at the IdeenExpo.
Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses
If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.
+49 30 959 982 640