Do you need Hostesses for Exhibition Silicon Saxony 2025 in Dresden?
Du suchst Jobs für die Exhibition Silicon Saxony 2025 in Dresden?
Silicon Saxony Day is one of the most important international high-tech and networking events in Europe. It offers cross-industry insights into technologies and solutions in the fields of hardware, software and connectivity. In addition to knowledge and technology transfer, this networking event aims to promote open exchange between developers, producers and users of information and communication technologies (ICT).
A main stage and several theme islands provide space for networking, professional exchange and exciting insights into players and technologies in the ICT industry. While the main stage with its top-class keynotes and panel discussions reflects the entire spectrum of the network, the theme islands place a clear technological focus. In short presentations and talks, the islands offer insights into challenges, use cases, experiences, best practices and new business models - all in a silent disco concept. As a special highlight this year, participants can expect a B2B matchmaking.
Reasons for participation:
Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses
If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.
+49 30 959 982 640