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SAT, 16. Nov in Paderborn

Promoter/in (m/w/d) @ Promotion

ca. 86 €
ca. 17 bis 21 € / h
SAT, 16. Nov

ca. 4.5 Std.: Am Samstag von 08:45-13:15


Innenstadt, 33098 Paderborn (Google maps)

Bewertungen des Kunden

Promoter/in (m/w/d) @ Promotion

Wir suchen Promoter (m/w/d), die zu zweit in der Innenstadt von Paderborn für den Paderborner Wochenmarkt im leichten Kostüm (vgl. Fotos, warme Karnevals-Ganzkörper-Kostüme) Flyer verteilen. Ihr solltet keine Scheu davor haben, aktiv auf Leute zuzugehen. Für die Promotionaktion stellen wir euch die Kostüme vor Ort zur Verfügung. Ansonsten solltet ihr eigene Wetter und Temperatur gemäße neutrale Kleidung tragen.

Contact person for your questions

Manuel Marschel: Contact person for businesses

Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses

If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.

+49 30 959 982 640

Christin Monski: Contact person for staff

Christin Monski
Contact person for staff

If you have any questions regarding your registration or the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.

+49 30 959 982 660

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InStaff & Jobs GmbH

Businesses from all over the world can use InStaff to book temporary event staff in Germany for their exhibition, marketing promotion or other temporary staffing needs.

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eKomi Siegel

Customer satisfaction:

InStaff is praised for high customer satisfaction by the independent review provider eKomi:
see our Customer Reviews

Temporary Employment Agency License

Legal Security:

InStaff is legally licensed by the German Employment Agency to offer labour leasing in Germany:
about the Employment License