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Exhibitions Jena in 2016

All Trade Fairs, Exhibitions and Congresses in Jena 2016 (incl. Address, Opening Hours, Prices and more)

Exhibition Calendar Jena 2016

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Upcoming Exhibitions 2016

Past Exhibition Dates in Jena 2016

EFRE Jahresveranstaltung

Annual Event of the European Funds of local development in Thuringia
07.11.2016 in Jena

JENAer Herbst

Consumer Fair
04.11. till 06.11.2016 in Jena


18.03. till 20.03.2016 in Jena

53. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Epileptologie e. V.

annual conference of the German Association of Epileptology
02.03. till 05.03.2016 in Jena