Buchmesse Rheinland Pfalz 2017 in Mainz
Overview about Buchmesse Rheinland Pfalz
Buchmesse Rheinland Pfalz
Alte Lokalhall Mainz, Mombacher Straße 78-80, 55122 Mainz
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Do you need Hostesses for Buchmesse Rheinland Pfalz in Mainz?
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Information for Exhibitors and Visitors
The book fair Rheinland-Pfalz in Mainz is a fair for every book-lover or those who are on the way to be one.
With over 70 exhibitors, inter alia publishers, book stores and distributors the fair has a solid stand and presents the newest books and products.
The focus lays on Child and youth books, thrillers, traveling literature, fiction and nonfictional books as well as specialist books. You can also find advisor and illustrated books or audio books and e-books. Over 100 events, for example
Book Exhibition Personell for Buchmesse Rheinland Pfalz
Trade fair hostesses for your booth, VIP & Model hostesses
promoting your product as well as Chefhostesses to manage your
booth team.
Stagehands, Catering & Service Hostesses as well
as Waitresses & Waiters Mainz for your event.
Experience Promoters for Direct Sales and handing out Flyers at
your booth.
Hostesses & Hosts with fluent knowledge in German, Englisch, French,
Turkish and Russian (please contact us if another language is needed)
for your international guests.
Male Hosts Mainz as a booth attendant as well as for
Customer Care at your event.
Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses
If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact
or call me.
+49 30 959 982 640