Please note the upcoming exhibition
This event took place from 02.10. till 06.10.2022. The next light + building exhibition will be from 08.03. till 13.03.2026 in Frankfurt.
Do you need Hostesses for Exhibition light + building 2022 Autumn Edition 2022 in Frankfurt?
Du suchst Jobs für die Exhibition light + building 2022 Autumn Edition 2022 in Frankfurt?
At the Light + Building are new ways of light and building technology presented. From 2022 the innovative technology, current light trends, intelligent building technology and safety can be admired digital the whole year. But there will still be the possibility to visit the fair in Frankfurt and have personal contacts.
Top Themes in 2022:
The Light + Building is the meeting place in the industry for current lighting trends, intelligent building technology and security across all disciplines.
This year, Light + Building will be held as a one-off autumn edition.
Manuel Marschel
Contact person for businesses
If you have any questions regarding the booking process, feel free to contact or call me.
+49 30 959 982 640