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Profilbild von Anja
Weiteres Foto von Anja
Weiteres Foto von Anja
Completed Trainings

Anja, 32


UCM & Victory People, Berlin - Hostess, Event Guide (diverse Kunden, u.A. Adidas, Volkswagen); Paradiso Hostel, Laguna de Apoyo (Nicaragua) - Hostess, Gästebetreuung, Animateur; Jungla del Jaguar, Drake Bay (Costa Rica) - Barkeeper, Gästebetreuung, Service; Zentgraf Events, Freiburg - Hostess, Servicepersonal, Promotion (diverse Kunden, u.A. Europapark, Coca Cola etc.); Avantgarde, Bundesweit - Promotion (Philip Morris); GVO, Frankfurt - Servicepersonal (IAA/Audi); American Apparel, Calgary (Kanada) - Kundenberatung, Verkauf; Bergwitz Personal - Sachbearbeitung, Akquise; Lost & Found Hostel, Chiriqui (Panama) - Barkeeper, Gästebetreuung; Hotel am Wembach, Reinheim - Servicepersonal; San Marco Eiscafe, Reinheim - Servicepersonal

Bachelor degree
German - Mother tongue
English - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
French - Basic (A1 / A2)
Spanish - Basic (A1 / A2)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.76 m
Available in:

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