- Promoter Jobs (ua. Pilsener Urquell, Timerland, Deichmann, MioMio Mate)
- Messe Jobs: Service / Standbetreuung / Einlass (ua. Fruit Logistica, Connecticum, CCW, ITB)
- Aufbau -und Montage Jobs (ua. Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, Fruit Logistica )
- Sampling und Verkostungsjobs (KaDeWe, Just Spices, MioMio Mate)
- Kasse (Rewe, Malaria Kaufhof)
- Rezeption (Funkhouse Hostel Sydney)
- Offener, freundlicher, Kommunikativer Typ
- Pünktlich, professionell, motiviert
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The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page please contact us immediatly via: contact@instaff.jobs