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Peter, 28

Interviewer (m/f/d)

*English below*

Hey ich bin Peter, gelernter Hotelfachmann, aktuell Masterstudent an der HTW-Berlin und neu bei InStaff.

Erfahrungen konnte ich schon in folgenden Bereichen sammeln:
-Ausbildung zum Hotelfachmann im Hotel Bayerischer Hof München (2 Jahre)
-Servicekraft Bad Hotel Überlingen (6 Monate)
-Verschiedene Studentenjobs in der Gastronomie als Barista, Barkeeper, Kellner, Bankettservice, Eventbetreuung (1 Jahr)
-Erfahrungen im Marketing und Produkt Management durch Teilnahme an Marktforschungsprojekten während des Studiums (3 Jahre)
-Erfahrungen in Bürojobs durch verschiedene Werkstudentenstellen (3 Jahre)

-Deutsch & Spanisch (Muttersprachlich, ohne Akzent)
-Englisch (Verhandlungssicher, C1/C2)


Hey, I’m Peter, a trained hotel management professional and currently a Master’s student at HTW Berlin. I’m new to InStaff.

I have gained experience in the following areas:
-Apprenticeship as a hotel management professional at Hotel Bayerischer Hof Munich (2 years)
-Service staff at Bad Hotel Überlingen (6 months)
-Various student jobs in the hospitality industry as a barista, bartender, waiter, banquet service, and event support (1 year)
-Experience in marketing and product management through participation in market research projects during my studies (3 years)
-Office job experience through various working student positions (3 years)

-German & Spanish (native, no accent)
-English (business fluent, C1/C2)

Bachelor degree
German - Mother tongue
English - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
Spanish - Mother tongue
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.73 m
Shoe size: 42
Available in:
Berlin & Potsdam

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The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page please contact us immediatly via: