Rabea, 26
Exhibition host/ess (m/f/d) & Promoter (m/f/d)
Modelerfahrung durch Fotoshootings, Fremdsprachenkenntnisse in Englisch, Französisch und Spanisch; Erfahrungen als Messehostess und Eventhelferin und 12-monatige Arbeit als AuPair in den USA; mehrwöchiges Praktikum am Flughafen mit Betreuung der Passagiere, Betreuung von Feriengästen, Servieren und Zubereiten von Mahlzeiten auf einer Ranch in Kanada
High-school diploma
German - Mother tongue
English - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
French - Fluent (B1 / B2)
Spanish - Basic (A1 / A2)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.82 m
Chest: 91
Waist: 65 Hips: 97
Shoe size: 41
Available in:
Dortmund & München
Customer reviews from jobs via InStaff
(one or more reviews translated from German)
Promoter/in für Kundenbefragung im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel für SanLucar Vertrieb Deutschland GmbH
Rabea did a great job !! The customer contact was excellent!
(5 stars on 24.08.2020 für den Job als Promoter)
Expopharm für Deutscher Apotheker Verlag
(5 stars on 01.10.2019 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Hosts & Hostessen für Fashion-Parade gesucht für Kollektiv K GmbH
(5 stars on 24.09.2019 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Aktionstag Saturn Marl für Saturn Electro-Handelsges. mbH
The rating is a bit difficult for me!
Generally the young ladies were really friendly, helpful and super pleasant in their way!
Therefore rather 5 stars.
But there was one small thing that was not implemented as we had discussed, hence the small limitation.
Otherwise, everyone was really super nice and also approached/ answered our customers very well!
The overall rating would be more like a 4.7 ....; )
(4 stars on 22.03.2019 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Empfangsmitarbeiterin für SATELLITE OFFICE GmbH
(5 stars on 17.10.2018 für den Job als Receptionist)
Inter-Tabac 2018 in Dortmund für Chemnovatic
We are very satisfied and can fully recommend Rabea. She looked after our customers very well and did all the tasks very well. During all, Rabea was in a good mood and had a serious demeanor. She also distributed many marketing materials and did this job very well.
We are happy to recommend Rabea and we will probably work with Rabea in the future.
(5 stars on 25.09.2018 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Familientag Gelsenkirchen für projekt c - die eventmacher!
Very friendly and very hard-working!
(5 stars on 17.09.2018 für den Job als Assistant)
Warenauszeichnung für BACKYARD - afg vertriebs gmbh
(5 stars on 21.09.2018 für den Job als Assistant)
Promotion - Food and Drink für British Consulate-General Duesseldorf
Again any time!
(4 stars on 05.07.2017 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
RuhrGames | Sampling Mark-E Trinkflaschen für VERTIKOM Activation GmbH
Thank you very much for the great effort. Everyone was completely satisfied.
(5 stars on 21.06.2017 für den Job als Promoter)
TV Dreh für 2Bild GmbH
(5 stars on 23.05.2017 für den Job als Stagehand)
Schüttgut 2017 für KITZMANN GmbH
A very sympathetic woman.
Always in a good mood and very dedicated.
She has done her tasks thoroughly and very well, independently and without any additional requests.
There is nothing negative to mention.
Next time gladly again!
(5 stars on 12.05.2017 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Successful Jobs via Instaff
Münster: Hosts & Hostessen für Fashion-Parade gesucht
Sep 21, 2019
Düsseldorf: Empfangsmitarbeiterin
Oct 09 - Oct 11, 2018
Dortmund: Inter-Tabac 2018 in Dortmund
Sep 21 - Sep 23, 2018
Gelsenkirchen: Depeche Mode
Jul 04, 2017
Lüdenscheid: Sampling Sonnenbrillen & USB Charger
Jun 24, 2017
Hagen: RuhrGames | Sampling Mark-E Trinkflaschen
Jun 16, 2017
Dortmund: Schüttgut 2017
May 10 - May 11, 2017
Legal note
The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on
her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as
possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page
please contact us immediatly via: contact@instaff.jobs