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Completed Trainings

Tina, 28

Exhibition host/ess (m/f/d) & Stagehand (m/f/d)

zuverlässig, pünktlich, stressresistent, kommunikativ, offen und stelle mich gerne neuen Herausforderungen // Erfahrung in Promotion und Flyern bei der Agentur „Urbanstaff“ // im siebten Semester meines Wirtschaftswissenschaften Studiums // mehrere Einsätze für große Kaufhäuser u.a. das MILANEO // Neukunden akquiriert // Gaming- und Beauty-affin // Cosplayer // Erfahrung in Kinderbetreuung // Erfahrung bei der Eventplanung durch Mitgliedschaft in der Studentenorganisation Enactus // Führerscheinklasse B // Vegetarier

High-school diploma
Business Administration
German - Mother tongue
English - Fluent (B1 / B2)
French - Basic (A1 / A2)
Spanish - Basic (A1 / A2)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.60 m
Shoe size: 38
Available in:
Karlsruhe & Stuttgart
Customer reviews from jobs via InStaff (one or more reviews translated from German)
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
PaintExpo für Lankwitzer Lackfabrik GmbH
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
VICAMPO WEINverliebt in Stuttgart/ Esslingen für GmbH
Tina has done a good job for us and did the given tasks as quickly as possible - we were very happy about her help.
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
Gesundheitsmesse mit egg-replacer für BIO-Ei-Ersatz MyEy
Laura informed our audience on the health fair in Stuttgart about the egg-replacer just excellent! As a vegetarian Tina fits perfectly in our team and especially because of her knowledge about whippable, vegan bio-egg-substitute she was very competent and was able to explain it to our customers. Furthermore Tina was very friendly. Her independent and flexible work was also a big help for us. Thank you so much! We would love to work with you again!
Successful Jobs via Instaff
Rheinstetten: PaintExpo
Apr 17 - Apr 20, 2018

Esslingen: VICAMPO WEINverliebt in Stuttgart/ Esslingen
Feb 23, 2018

Stuttgart: Gesundheitsmesse mit egg-replacer
Nov 24 - Nov 25, 2017

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The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page please contact us immediatly via: