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Profilbild von Bruna Abzeichen mit 40 absolvierten Jobs 40 +
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Bruna, 21

Waiter / Waitress (m/f/d) & Exhibition host/ess (m/f/d)

Im 3. Semester meines Pharmazie Studiums; Praktika beim Krankenhaus in Karlsruhe, Städtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe; Praktika bei der Apotheke am Riedberg Zentrum in Frankfurt am Main; Ich bin am Abikomitee der Europäischen Schule in Karlsruhe teilgenommen.

High-school diploma
German - Fluent to Business fluent (C2) German not native language
English - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
Italian - Basic (A1 / A2)
Spanish - Mother tongue
Portugese (Mother tongue)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.74 m
Chest: 92
Waist: 68 Hips: 95
Shoe size: 39
Available in:
Frankfurt, Wiesbaden & Karlsruhe
Customer reviews from jobs via InStaff (one or more reviews translated from German)
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The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page please contact us immediatly via: