20 +
Finn, 21
Stagehand (m/f/d) & Waiter / Waitress (m/f/d)
-3 Tage als Security auf dem Wacken-Festival gearbeitet (14 Stunden Schichten)
-8 wöchiges kaufmännisches Praktikum bei der GFOS mbH im Bereich: consulting, sales, after-sales und marketing
-5 Monate Vertriebler für die Skon Group im Bereich tele-sales
-Eine abgeschlossene Fitness Trainer B Lizenz
-BWL-Studium seid 2023 (3 Semester aktuell)
-Erfahrung in der Event und Werbe Promotion
-Erfahrung im Catering (Hotel, Events)
-Erfahrung im Mystery Shopping für Mobilfunkanbieter
-Erfahrung im Möbeltransport
-Erfahrung als Messehostess
High-school diploma
Business Administration
German - Mother tongue
English - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.80 m
Shoe size: 44
Customer reviews from jobs via InStaff
(one or more reviews translated from German)
Dinner in the Dark Service für Dialoghaus Hamburg
Finn stepped in super spontaneously and at short notice, we are very grateful to him!
(4 stars on 10.02.2025 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Dinner in the Dark Service für Dialoghaus Hamburg
Finn is very personable and pleasant to work with and is willing to learn. We look forward to working with him again.
(3 stars on 09.12.2024 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
SW Gaming Meetup für SMART WORKS SL
(3 stars on 02.12.2024 für den Job als Stagehand)
(DWG 2024) 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft | Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress für Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
During his assignment at the certification station during the congress, Finn initially showed a very friendly and courteous attitude. His commitment and polite manner were positively noticed and contributed to the pleasant working atmosphere. As his assignment progressed, however, challenges arose in dealing with instructions and working together as colleagues. His communication became didactic at times, which led to misunderstandings with employees and participants. We appreciate Finn's commitment and expertise, but would like to point out that constructive cooperation and following instructions are essential for success in such a team setting. We are confident that he will take this feedback on board and use it as an opportunity for further development.
(3 stars on 06.12.2024 für den Job als Stagehand)
2024-11-16_AB2490782_groupm_HASPA_2BeamerMen_1ET_Hamburg_Nov_2024 für Inovisco Mobile Media GmbH
(5 stars on 25.11.2024 für den Job als Promoter)
Abschlussfeier 09.11.2024 // view eleven für formidable Catering & Events
Finn completed all of his tasks to our satisfaction. However, we occasionally had the impression that he took the opportunity to spend time in the dishwashing area and chat at length with colleagues. We would have liked a little more effort, but thank Finn for his support nonetheless!
(4 stars on 12.11.2024 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Mystery Shopping Pinneberg für conmoto GmbH
(5 stars on 13.11.2024 für den Job als Mystery Shopper)
Mystery Shopping Hamburg für conmoto GmbH
(5 stars on 19.11.2024 für den Job als Mystery Shopper)
Klausuraufsicht für Steuerberaterkammer Hamburg
Thank you very much and I'd be happy to come again!!!
(5 stars on 23.10.2024 für den Job als Assistant)
Helfer zur Räumung einer Musterwohnung für Sandra Küppers Management GmbH
(5 stars on 14.10.2024 für den Job als Stagehand)
2310_Biocat TUHH für Studierendenwerk Hamburg AöR
Thank you for your commitment
(5 stars on 27.08.2024 für den Job als Stagehand)
Mitte August 2024 Promotion Blutspendedienst an der Uni Hamburg für Universtätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin
(5 stars on 19.08.2024 für den Job als Promoter)
Successful Jobs via Instaff
Hamburg: Mitte August 2024 Promotion Blutspendedienst an der Uni Hamburg
Aug 15, 2024
Hamburg: Hamburg: Promoter*innen für Kosmetik Sampling gesucht!
Sep 07, 2023
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The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on
her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as
possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page
please contact us immediatly via: contact@instaff.jobs