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Completed Trainings

Janna, 29

Sales assistant (m/f/d) & Cashier (m/f/d)

- Messehostess (Chillventa, Powtech etc.) - Kassiererin & Warenverräumung Supermarkt - Promoterin & Eventhelferin (Messe Nürnberg, Sportveranstaltungen, Konzerte, Kongresse) - Verkäuferin im Einzelhandel (Superdry Store Regensburg & Hallhuber Store Nürnberg) - Messehostess bei der Apothekentour Deutschland (Empfang & Akkreditierung der Gäste, Verteilung Goodiebags) - Essensausgabe und kassieren im Foodtruck -Testkunde für Telefonanbieter -Eventhelfer Challenge Roth (Ausschank von ERDINGER Aloholfrei) - Abgeschlossene Ausbildung Bankkauffrau bei der Sparkasse Rosenheim-Bad Aibling - Abgeschlossener Bachelor of Arts Wirtschaftswissenschaften- Masterstudium Wirtschaftspädagogik an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität

Bachelor degree
Business Administration
German - Mother tongue
English - Fluent (B1 / B2)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.62 m
Available in:
Nürnberg & München
Customer reviews from jobs via InStaff (one or more reviews translated from German)
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
Mystery Shopping Nürnberg Umgebung für conmoto GmbH
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
Holz-Handwerk 2024, Nürnberg für Kuhnle Computer-Software GmbH
Janna contributed significantly to the success of our trade fair appearance. She had already dealt with our products in advance and was therefore able to answer many general questions herself. Her open and friendly manner not only impressed our customers, but also us. With great motivation and joy, she completed all the tasks that needed to be done and supported our consultants. We would be happy to work with Janna again at any time.
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg für Fisher´s House GmbH
We can highly recommend Janna. She was at the agreed location on time and completed her tasks with great commitment. The communication in advance also went smoothly. We would be happy to book Janna again.

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The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page please contact us immediatly via: