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Profilbild von Jorge Luis Abzeichen mit 1 absolvierten Jobs 1
Weiteres Foto von Jorge Luis
Weiteres Foto von Jorge Luis
Weiteres Foto von Jorge Luis
Weiteres Foto von Jorge Luis

Jorge Luis, 34

Waiter / Waitress (m/f/d)

Promoter Messe fruit logistica & ANUGA 2019 by Pro Chile. Servicekraft und Bar by Cafe und Bar Celona, Tijuana Restaurant, Goldberg Cafe. Im dritten Semester meines Master Studiums (Sustainable development management).

Master degree
Business Administration
German - Fluent to Business fluent (C1) German not native language
English - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
Italian - Basic (A1 / A2)
Spanish - Mother tongue
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.72 m
Shoe size: 42
Available in:
Berlin, Dresden, Potsdam & Rostock
Customer reviews from jobs via InStaff (one or more reviews translated from German)
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
ITB Berlin für Barista Express
Punctual, professional, friendly. That's how a collaboration should work!

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The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page please contact us immediatly via: