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Profilbild von Julia Abzeichen mit 10 absolvierten Jobs 10
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Weiteres Foto von Julia
Weiteres Foto von Julia
Weiteres Foto von Julia
Completed Trainings

Julia, 29

Exhibition host/ess (m/f/d) & Promoter (m/f/d)

Übungsleiterin Sport, Hostess-Erfahrung, 7. Semester Grundschullehramt, Erfahrung im Gastronomiebereich

High-school diploma
German - Mother tongue
English - Basic (A1 / A2)
Italian - Basic (A1 / A2)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.76 m
Customer reviews from jobs via InStaff (one or more reviews translated from German)
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
SPS IPC Drives 28.11. - 30.11.2017 für KIRCHER Messe & Event Service GmbH & Co. KG
Very kind and sweet. Did a very good job. We would like to work with you again.
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
Spieltagsbetreuung: Bundesliga, 24. Spieltag, FC Bayern München - Eintracht Frankfurt für brands and emotions GmbH
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
Promoterin für Messe München für Wunderbar Communications GmbH
We were inspired by Julia as a promoter and would book her anytime again.
Successful Jobs via Instaff
Manching (Abfahrt ab München-Fröttmaning): Airbus Tag der offenen Tür 2016
Jun 18, 2016

Ingolstadt: Glasfaser Akut
Oct 09 - Oct 10, 2015

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The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page please contact us immediatly via: