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Profilbild von Melina

Melina, 30



Produkt, Agentur Service, Event-Werft Hildesheim
Zeitraum, Art August 2013, Servicekraft (Gastronomie)

Produkt, Agentur Service, Vila del Angello
Zeitraum, Art Dezember 2014, Servicekraft (Gastronomie)

Produkt, Agentur Gemüse, Obsthof Sundermeyer
Zeitraum, Art 18.05.2012 -17.07.2012, Verkostung

Produkt, Agentur Energiesparlampen - Certified Installer, Green Home Green Planet (Australia)
Zeitraum, Art 02.12.14 - 15.08.2014, Sonstiges

Produkt, Agentur Service, Blaumond
Zeitraum, Art Cebit Hannover 16-20.3.2015, Messehost(ess)

Produkt, Agentur Erdinger - Weißbier Ausschank, HAJ Marathon Hannover
Zeitraum, Art 19..04.2015, Servicekraft (Gastronomie)

Produkt, Agentur "Cebit on Tour" , Twitter, Do it!
Zeitraum, Art 12.05.15, Diverse

Produkt, Agentur Service, Beauty of speed
Zeitraum, Art Interschutz Hannover, 13.6.15, Messehost(ess)

High-school diploma
Business Administration
German - Mother tongue
English - Fluent (B1 / B2)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.81 m

Legal note

The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page please contact us immediatly via: