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Profilbild von Mohamed Eslem Abzeichen mit 1 absolvierten Jobs 1
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Mohamed Eslem, 25

Promoter (m/f/d)

I worked in my uncles restaurant in my home county through my teenage years as a cashier and I also delivered for the customers very often .
I know what its like to have a busy day in a work place and more importantly I know how to be more efficient and more flexible when that happens.
I speak French , English and German all at a C1 level and I am a native Arabic speaker .

German - Fluent to Business fluent (C1) German not native language
English - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
French - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.84 m
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