30 +
Completed Trainings
Victoria, 33
Waiter / Waitress (m/f/d) & Promoter (m/f/d)
10 Jahre Erfahrung in der Gastronomie und im Catering (Restaurant, Hochzeiten, Feiern, Preisverleihungen etc.); Tätigkeiten: Service, Theke, Küche; Hostess auf Messen; Kundengespräche und Bewirtung; Promoter, Neukundengewinnung, Interessenten zum Stand bringen, auf Leute zugehen und Flyer verteilen; Telefon-Interviewerin bei MAIX Market Research & Consulting GmbH in Aachen; Studentische Hilfskraft im Bereich Produktionstechnik, Batterieproduktion, Brennstoffzellen, Elektromobilität; Praktika bei der Daimler AG in Sindelfingen, Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Thailand in Bangkok und ThyssenKrupp Aufzüge GmbH in Hamburg; Studium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen mit der Fachrichtung Maschinenbau mit dem Berufsfeld Produktionstechnik an der RWTH in Aachen; Erfahrung als Event-Helferin auf Konzerten, Messen und Social Media Events.
Bachelor degree
Mechanical Engineering
German - Mother tongue
English - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
Chinese (Mandarin) - Basiskenntnisse - konversationssicher auf einfachem Niveau (fehlende spezifische Vokablen können vorab angeeignet werden)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.69 m
Chest: 90
Waist: 80 Hips: 110
Shoe size: 38
Customer reviews from jobs via InStaff
(one or more reviews translated from German)
Hochzeit Service Kellner für HGE GmbH / Niederlassung Alemannenhof
Everything perfect, anytime again!
(5 stars on 12.07.2022 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Easy o2 Promotion - Kein Sales ! für SPORTFIVE Germany Activation GmbH
(5 stars on 27.05.2022 für den Job als Promoter)
Verkostung im KL Mönchengladbach für Raatz Marketing GmbH
(5 stars on 25.02.2019 für den Job als Promoter)
Kundenbefragung Köln 14.11.2018 bis 17.11.2018 für RDS Aydin CenterDeko
(5 stars on 24.11.2018 für den Job als Promoter)
Aftershowparty im Stuntwerk für Stuntwerk Köln GmbH
(5 stars on 13.11.2018 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Firmenlauf Aachen für CRM Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH
(5 stars on 04.10.2018 für den Job als Stagehand)
OAC Düsseldorf für D&L Teichmann Catering GbR
Victoria did an excellent job once again. She was a perfect fit for our the team, could foresee and do the tasks on her own. She is very friendly, courteous and fast. She has done all her tasks to our complete satisfaction. Thank you very much for the good cooperation. We would very much like to work with her again.
(5 stars on 30.08.2018 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Servicemitarbeiter für Mercure Hotel Aachen Europaplatz
(5 stars on 20.08.2018 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Britney Spears Konzert für D&L Teichmann Catering GbR
Victoria has again done an amazing job. She perfectly fitted into the team. Independently saw the tasks and finished them, She is very friendly, attentive and fast. She has finished all her tasks to our fullest satisfaction. Thanks a lot for the great deployment. We would gladly work with her again.
(5 stars on 20.08.2018 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Fortuna Saisoneröffnung für D&L Teichmann Catering GbR
Victoria did an excellent job once again. She was a perfect fit for the team, she have seen and done tasks independently. She is very friendly, accommodating and fast. She has done all the tasks to our complete satisfaction. We thank her very much for the good job. We would very much like to work with her again.
(5 stars on 07.08.2018 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Messesupport auf der CHIO Aachen für Direktorium für Vollblutzucht e.V.
We thank Victoria for her great job. Victoria was friendly and interested in the tasks. She actively approached people and she was self-employed. Even trough the heat she was hardworking and dedicated continuously.
(5 stars on 17.07.2018 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
CHIO Aachen 2018 in Aachen für D&L Teichmann Catering GbR
Victoria did a very good job. She fits perfectly into the team, she is very friendly, accommodating and fast. She has done all your tasks to our complete satisfaction. Thank you very much for the good cooperation. We would very much like to work with her again.
(5 stars on 28.07.2018 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Servicemitarbeiter fürs Restaurant im Abendgeschäft für Mercure Hotel Aachen Europaplatz
(4 stars on 16.07.2018 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Japan Tag für D&L Teichmann Catering GbR
Victoria has done an excellent job again. She fits perfectly into the team, she is very friendly, accommodating and very fast. She has done all her tasks to our complete satisfaction. Thank you very much for the good cooperation. We would very much like to work with her again.
(5 stars on 30.05.2018 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Spraying on hobby market für PROMOTERI.EU s.r.o.
Perfect cooperation. He made everything what we need.
(5 stars on 08.05.2018 für den Job als Promoter)
CHIO AACHEN für D&L Teichmann Catering GbR
Victoria did a great job. She's very kind, quick and attentive. She has done all her tasks to our fullest satisfaction. Thank you very much for the great commitment. Gladly again!
(5 stars on 27.07.2017 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
CSD Köln für D&L Teichmann Catering GbR
Victoria did a very good job. She is very friendly, courteous and fast. She did her tasks to our complete satisfaction. Thank you for the great cooperation. We would like to work with her again.
(5 stars on 11.07.2017 für den Job als Sales assistant)
Messe PowerGen Köln für Christof Industries Global GmbH
(5 stars on 04.07.2017 für den Job als Exhibition host/ess)
Networking Event mit Happy Hour im Anschluss für Koerner Eventkommunikation GmbH
Always my pleasure! Victoria performed sovereignly in front of guests and customers. She has a quick mind and the communication channels were very good.
(5 stars on 23.06.2017 für den Job als Stagehand)
Renntag zum Union-Rennen für RaceBets International Gaming Ltd.
Victorias work was more than satisfactory. She was more that punctual and offered her gelp even befor her shift started. In shortest time, she understood our complex product, soled it and generated a lot of new customers. She was not overwhelmed with a lot of different tasks and international visitors where no problem. We would book Victoria anytime again for another Promotion Job.
(5 stars on 13.06.2017 für den Job als Promoter)
Private Feier am 27.05.2017 für Privat
Very friendly, eloquent and professional appearance. Good work!
She supported us by independent work and concrete suggestions.
Guests praised her friendliness. We would book Sarah at any time again and can recommend her without restriction. Many Thanks!
(5 stars on 28.05.2017 für den Job als Waiter / Waitress)
Successful Jobs via Instaff
Mönchengladbach: Verkostung im KL Mönchengladbach
Feb 21, 2019
Köln: Kundenbefragung Köln 14.11.2018 bis 17.11.2018
Nov 14 - Nov 17, 2018
Aachen: Firmenlauf Aachen
Sep 28, 2018
Mönchengladbach: Britney Spears Konzert
Aug 13, 2018
Aachen: Messesupport auf der CHIO Aachen
Jul 15, 2018
Aachen: CHIO Aachen 2018 in Aachen
Jul 21, 2018
Mönchengladbach: Spraying on hobby market
May 05, 2018
Köln: CSD Köln
Jul 07 - Jul 09, 2017
Baesweiler: Hochzeit im Festsaal Parkrestaurant
Jun 30, 2017
Köln: Messe PowerGen Köln
Jun 27 - Jun 29, 2017
Köln: Networking Event mit Happy Hour im Anschluss
Jun 22, 2017
Köln: Renntag zum Union-Rennen
Jun 11, 2017
Aachen: Innovationspreis , Servicekräfte
Jun 01, 2017
Bornheim/Bonn: Private Feier am 27.05.2017
May 27, 2017
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The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on
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please contact us immediatly via: contact@instaff.jobs