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Profilbild von Zied Abzeichen mit 70 absolvierten Jobs 70 +
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Zied, 31

Promoter (m/f/d) & Stagehand (m/f/d)

Kassenkraft (4 Monaten); Promoter, Warrenverräumung, Klamottenladen: als Zeitarbeitnehmer; Maschinenbau Masterstudent Prakitka und Werkstudenttätigkeiten Zurzeit Praktiktant bei Siemens (35St/Woche)

Bachelor degree
Mechanical Engineering
German - Fluent to Business fluent (C1) German not native language
English - Fluent to Business fluent (C1 / C2)
French - Mother tongue
Arabian (Mother tongue)
Clothing measurements:
Height : 1.83 m
Shoe size: 43
Available in:
Berlin, Bielefeld , Göttingen and 39 more cities
Customer reviews from jobs via InStaff (one or more reviews translated from German)
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
Kundenbefragungen in Berlin (PLZ 13585, 13089, 12685, 12053 uvm.) für IWD market research GmbH
Zied was flexible, spontaneous and punctual. He did the survey well for the first time. Unfortunately, he was not able to achieve the targets, which is why we would like more commitment in a future assignment.
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
Helfer für WISAG Event Service GmbH & Co. KG
Many thanks for the help! Zied is highly recommended!
Anzahl der Bewertungssterne
Berlinale Place To B für Gast Art Restaurations GmbH

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The person on this page created her profile and uploaded her images on her own. InStaff validated these information via a phone interview as possible. If you have copyrights to any images or content on this page please contact us immediatly via: