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Exhibitions Brandenburg & Berlin in 2020

All Trade Fairs, Exhibitions and Congresses in Brandenburg & Berlin 2020 (incl. Address, Opening Hours, Prices and more)

Exhibition Calendar Brandenburg & Berlin 2020

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Upcoming Exhibitions 2020

Past Exhibition Dates in Brandenburg & Berlin 2020

Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress (DWG) 2020

Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Wirbelsäulengesellschaft e. V. (German Spine Society)
10.12. till 12.12.2020 in Berlin

webinale 2020

Conference for the digital sector
07.12. till 11.12.2020 in Berlin

DGPPN Kongress 2020

The german association of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatics
25.11. till 28.11.2020 in Berlin

BOOT & FUN 2020

The whole world of water and outdoor sports
19.11. till 22.11.2020 in Berlin

Motorworld Classics Berlin 2020

Oldtimer exhibition
18.11. till 22.11.2020 in Berlin

Hochzeitswelt Berlin Station 2020

The wedding fair
14.11. till 15.11.2020 in Berlin

belektro 2020 [ABGESAGT]

Trade Fair for electrical engineering, electronics and lighting
03.11. till 05.11.2020 in Berlin

Karrieretag Berlin 2020

Job fair
30.10.2020 in Berlin

Venus 2020 [ABGESAGT]

Erotic fair
22.10. till 25.10.2020 in Berlin

JobwunderDIGITAL - Die Karrieremesse 2020

The career fair
21.10. till 22.10.2020 in Berlin

iGB Affiliate Berlin 2020

Affiliate event for internet gaming business
19.10. till 22.10.2020 in Berlin

DVG Vet-Congress 2020

Congress for animal medicine
15.10. till 17.10.2020 in Berlin


The Leading International Trade Fair for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management
13.10. till 15.10.2020 in Berlin

connecticum 2020

Recruiting and career fair for students and young professionals
13.10. till 15.10.2020 in Berlin

DevOpsCon 2020

The Conference for Continuous Delivery, Microservices, Containers, Cloud & Lean Business
12.10. till 15.10.2020 in Berlin

BCB Bar Convent Berlin - Pouring Digital 2020

Leading bar & beverage trade show
12.10. till 14.10.2020 in Berlin

DOG Kongress 2020

Congress of the german ophthalmologist association
08.10. till 11.10.2020 in Berlin

Jobmesse Berlin 2020

Fair for job hunt, career, education, and starting businesses
30.09.2020 in Berlin

InnoTrans 2020 [VERSCHOBEN]

International Trade Fair for Transport Technology, Innovative Components, Vehicles and Systems
22.09. till 25.09.2020 in Berlin

DGKJ-Jahrestagung 2020 [ABGESAGT]

116th Convention for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
16.09. till 19.09.2020 in Berlin

Whiskyherbst 2020

Whisky trade fair
11.09. till 12.09.2020 in Berlin

IFA 2020

Leading global trade fair for consumer and home electronics
03.09. till 05.09.2020 in Berlin

Hochzeitswelt Spandau 2020

The wedding fair
30.08.2020 in Berlin

Veganes Sommerfest Berlin 2020 [ABGESAGT]

Vegan summer festival
28.08. till 30.08.2020 in Berlin

Festival der Religionen 2020 [ABGESAGT]

Berlin Interfaith Music Festival
16.08.2020 in Berlin


The marketplace for fashion and lifestyle
30.06. till 02.07.2020 in Berlin


The world’s largest event dedicated to coil winding, electric motors, transformers and generators
30.06. till 02.07.2020 in Berlin


Europe's digital health event
16.06. till 18.06.2020 in Berlin

VELOBerlin Week 2020

The different kind of bicycle festival
15.06. till 21.06.2020 in Berlin

YOU Summer Festival 2020 [ABGESAGT]

The leading trade fair for youth culture
12.06. till 14.06.2020 in Berlin

DevOpsCon 2020 [VERSCHOBEN]

The Conference for Continuous Delivery, Microservices, Containers, Cloud & Lean Business
08.06. till 11.06.2020 in Berlin

Jobmesse Berlin 2020 [ABGESAGT]

Fair for job hunt, career, education, and starting businesses
06.06.2020 in Berlin


The world’s largest event dedicated to coil winding, electric motors, transformers and generators
26.05. till 28.05.2020 in Berlin

Jobwunder - Die Karrieremesse 2020 [VERSCHOBEN]

The career fair
26.05. till 27.05.2020 in Berlin Berlin Süd-Ost / Dahme-Spree 2020

Career orientation fair for parents+students
26.05.2020 in Berlin

webinale 2020 [VERSCHOBEN]

Conference for the digital sector
25.05. till 29.05.2020 in Berlin

Diabetes Kongress 2020 [ABGESAGT]

55th Diabetes Congress of the German Diabetes Association
20.05. till 23.05.2020 in Berlin

ILA Berlin 2020 [ABGESAGT]

Innovation and leadership in aerospace
13.05. till 17.05.2020 in Berlin

connecticum 2020 [VERSCHOBEN]

Recruiting and career fair for students and young professionals
12.05. till 14.05.2020 in Berlin

re:publica 2020 [VERSCHOBEN]

Europes leading conference for Internet and digital Society
06.05. till 08.05.2020 in Berlin


Europe's digital health event
21.04. till 23.04.2020 in Berlin

VELOBerlin 2020 [ABGESAGT]

The bicycle trade fair for Berlin
18.04. till 19.04.2020 in Berlin


The Sports Community Convention
03.04. till 04.04.2020 in Berlin


Fair for gastronomy, hotel industry and communal feeding
29.03. till 01.04.2020 in Berlin

Jobmesse Berlin 2020 [VERSCHOBEN]

Fair for job hunt, career, education, and starting businesses
28.03.2020 in Berlin

IBE - IndieBeautyExpo 2020 [ABGESAGT]

25.03. till 26.03.2020 in Berlin

WM Werkstattmesse 2020 [ABGESAGT]

Trade fair for automotive parts, automotive accessories, tires and workshop equipment
20.03. till 22.03.2020 in Berlin


Scientific pharmacy congress with exhibition
13.03. till 14.03.2020 in Berlin

ITB Berlin 2020 [ABGESAGT]

The world's leading travel trade show
04.03. till 08.03.2020 in Berlin

EKB Endoprothetikkongress 2020

13th Endoprosthetics Congress Berlin
13.02. till 15.02.2020 in Berlin


International Trade Fair for Fruit and Vegetable Marketing
05.02. till 07.02.2020 in Berlin

Six Day Berlin 2020

Sport event
23.01. till 28.01.2020 in Berlin

ANIM 2021

Summit for NeuroIntensive Medicine
21.01. till 23.01.2020 in Berlin

Internationale Grüne Woche 2020

The leading exhibition for nutrition, agriculture and horticulture
17.01. till 26.01.2020 in Berlin


International business platform for advanced contemporary fashion
14.01. till 16.01.2020 in Berlin


The marketplace for fashion and lifestyle
14.01. till 16.01.2020 in Berlin

Berlin Fashion Week 2020

The one week one fashion event in Berlin
13.01. till 17.01.2020 in Berlin